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Join the CMS Miyawaki Forest Team!

Do you love to be outside? Would you like to join a team of students, parents, and staff to take action that can help provide habitat for local native plants and wildlife?  We are forming a team to plan for the planting of the first  in the Tri-Valley right here at CMS. Check out this short 

We will meet on Wednesdays after school in the STEM Classroom with Ann Brown, of , in partnership with .  Each meeting will have a specific theme and task. Generally, meeting times will be 1:35 - 3:00.  You will be trained to be the Miyawaki Forest leaders for the next school year!   

Students interested in joining the CMS Forest Team may sign up using the short Google form that they received in an email from Mr. Scharmann on April 25.

Here are our proposed topics:

May 1 - Introduction to the Miyawaki Forest model - where it will be planted, how students and staff can be involved.  Share your questions and ideas about the project.   Take a tour and observe and identify the CMS trees.  Learn how to use I.D. keys/apps, and how to determine the ecological services and value of a tree.  Optional On Your Own: Make signs/labels to hang on the trees.  

May 8 - What is “biodiversity”?  Why is it important?  Do a campus “BioBlitz” to discover what species live here and if some areas of the campus have a greater variety of species than others.  Learn how to use  to research local trees.    Optional On Your Own: survey the species in your backyard, neighborhood park, etc.  

May 15 -  Soil Testing - What is in the soil - how can it be improved?   Hands-on investigation of compost and other “super powers” of soil amendments.  How can we decompose the turf grass to make compost?  Optional On Your Own:  make or get compost to use in your yard or a planter box/pot. 

May 22 -  Create signage, poster boards, and/or flyers to explain the Miyawaki Forest Project to visitors and the school community for Open House.  Optional On Your Own: Write a description of the CMS Forest project to share on the school website, newsletter, etc.   

May 29 -  Design/draw a model for the CMS Miyawaki Forest, using local species that we have discovered.  Prepare display and put up signs for Open House.

June 5 - Celebrate our Progress!  Potential Field Trip to Springtown Preserve or Brushy Peak to observe and identify local trees, shrubs, and wildlife.   Dependent on availability of parent drivers.  

June 8, 9, or 10? (date TBD)  - Sheet Mulching Project Day!