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    The mission of 91社区 (LVJUSD) Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program is to provide appropriate, differentiated educational opportunities and auxiliary services for our K-12 students. The opportunities are designed to be commensurate with the students' unique capabilities, individual talents, and creative abilities. Our program will nurture each student's sense of personal worth, encourage students to develop and use their gifts and talents responsibility, and stimulate a love of learning, in an atmosphere of cooperation among students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

    The CA Association for the Gifted in the Position Paper, Characteristics of Gifted Children (2005), describes the high levels of functioning exhibited by gifted children in the cognitive, intuitive, affective, and physical areas. A gifted student may exhibit some but not all of these characteristics in varying degrees. COGNITIVE AREA: involves logical and rational thought processes:

    processes an extraordinary quantity of information
    has a capacity for processing information at an accelerated pace
    is persistent, goal-oriented
    demonstrates flexibility
    rapidly acquires a new language
    INTUITIVE AREA: involves non-linear reasoning:

    demonstrates creative and inventive approaches
    insightfulness leads to leaps of understanding
    is curious
    sensitive to aesthetic qualities
    shows an interest in the future
    has the ability to predict
    AFFECTIVE AREA: involves the social-emotional realm:

    demonstrates unusual sensitivity to the environment
    has empathy and awareness of the expectations and feelings of others
    develops idealism and a sense of justice
    displays emotional intensity
    has high expectations of self and others
    PHYSICAL AREA: involves the senses:

    has heightened sensitivity to light, sound, touch, small, taste
    demonstrates high energy that may be misdiagnosed as a hyperactivity disorder
    displays asynchrony between physical and emotional development
    avoids physical activity in favor of the intellectual
    Some gifted students may also display behaviors that have acted as barriers to identification:

    lack of organization
    failure to complete work
    challenges authority
    challenges assignments that seem repetitive and pointless
    sense of humor
    inability to prioritize
    emotional intensity
    assorted learning disabilities
    English language learner